Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tip #1: Unobstruct Your Time to Deal with the Clutter

So, the big project that hung over MY head (literally) was my attic. I had finally found my dream home outside of Boston -- and the good news was I would be sharing it with the love of my life Chris. The bad news? One house -- two households of stuff! And that stuff settled in - and stayed up there, unsorted, unloved, and unhappy, for two loooooooooong years. How on earth could a professional organizer (moi!) let this happen?

I have to admit, it was the fear of YOU all finding out about my hidden secret that motivated me to get busy. Here's what I did so that you couldn't bust me:

1) picked two dates that worked for me and Chris
2) actually wrote those dates in my calendar (don't skip this step!)
3) got rid of "time suckers" - like phone calls, email, dog duty, etc.

HOMEWORK: Pick a date and a room. Need an accountability partner? Email me at and let me know your plans.

Unobstruct your view!

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