Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tip # 4 Unobstruct Your Vehicle

Some might say a vehicle is just a vehicle, a means to get you from point A to point B. I would argue that it is many things: a taxi cab, a food and beverage center, an office on wheels, a self-contained closet, an oversized file folder, and a moving trash receptacle. This gives new meaning to the word "transporting!"

When I met my significant other, the yin to my yang, I was amazed at what he could fit, let alone find in his vehicle. During long road trips, I’d find myself engaging in a silent contest to identify the most unique or interesting item in his truck. As our relationship developed, I grew bolder and peeked into the back seat and side-door pockets only to be ultimately tempted into the land of no return….yes you guessed it….the land of the lost…..uncharted terriortory…. a place where no man/woman has gone before…. … THE GLOVE COMPARTMENT.

I would dream about Monty Hall becoming the host of a new game show, a cross between the famous “Lets Make A Deal and“Cash Cab.” The ever debonnair Monty would sneak attach us while stopped at a traffic light. With lightening speed he would begin his shtick…”Hey lovely lady, I’ll give you $50 dollars for a pair of pens containing the name of a local bank on them….”. (YIPPEE I say to myself….we have ten pens… take your pick)! Monty continues with “I’ll double your money if you can show me a half eaten glow-pop ring!” (YES) "Ok folks, double or nothing….for $200 show me a pair of 7 5/8 needle-nose pliers.” (Tools you say.....EUREKA… …we are rich…we are rich…)

Isn't reality a kicker--NO MONEY-PROFFERING HOSTS--NO REWARDS FOR JUNK. Frankly folks, for most of us, CAR MESS=MADNESS????!!!!

So what would your vehicle be saying to you if it could talk? What is obstructing its view? Need a quick fix….follow these four steps:


A) Take a quick inventory-seperate items into 3 categories
1) Here to stay-things that will remain in your vehicle
2) Take it away-things that will be transported to another area
3) Trash of the day-things that can be thrown out at the end of the day

B) Purchase a fun/colorful trash container-I just bought a small plastic container that I decorated with stickers to make me smile when I get into my car. Make a point of emptying the trash daily or every other day

C) Find a transportation box-I use an old wicker basket that is 8 X 11. At the end of each day, I fill this box with anything that doesn’t belong in the vehicle. I transport the items to their rightful home. When I do this daily, it doesn’t seem overwhelming!

D) Invest in a car deodorizer-nothing says clean like a fresh smelling vehicle. Now is the perfect time to select your favorite crisp scent. Enjoy the ride!

Need an accountability partner? Email me at and let me know your plans.

Unobstruct your view!


1 comment:

  1. "Caroline Bender" was kind enough to share your blog with me. Very nice and I love your message. Keep it going!
